SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate Implementation

SSL Certificates protect your user’s sensitive information by encrypting the data they send to you and increases user confidence by adding the https:// prefix in their browser bar. Google also favors HTTPS-encrypted websites and will push them higher in search results. An SSL not only protects your users, but helps you find more of them.

If you have already taken the steps to secure your current website, RYCO Design can ensure the SSL certificate is properly installed on the new website and there are no errors on any of the pages.

Benefits of an SSL

Increase User Confidence

Most people look for the HTTPS prefix in their browser bar before submitting personal information like their name, credit card number and address to a website. An SSL is the only way to get this.

Protect Sensitive Information

SSL Certificates protect your users’ sensitive information by encrypting the data they send to you, then decrypting it once you’ve received it.

Organic Search Ranking

Google has begun labeling any websites that do not have SSL as “Not secure” and guarantees a slight ranking boost for websites which offer HTTPS by default.

We work with a variety of clients across New Hampshire. Contact us today to get started.

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Get the website your business needs

Based in Hanover, NH, we are an on-demand, full-service web development and digital marketing agency. We keep overhead low so we can provide agency-caliber creative work—quickly—to a variety of industries throughout the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, New England and across the country.

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